If you are responsible for the financial success of a nonprofit organization, whether large or small, a little creative thinking in your expense management could find new ways to save money. Consider your trash. As with any business, you likely generate trash, and if you pay a waste hauling company to remove it, you may be missing some key opportunities to cut those costs. Improving your bottom line could make all the difference in the financial health of your organization that depends on donations, grants and other funding.
While there are recycling and waste reduction strategies that are effective, first consider talking with a waste broker. A waste broker has the ability to negotiate with all trash hauling companies based on pre-negotiated broker rates. You may opt to work with the supplier directly, but waste brokers ultimately have a greater leverage on negotiating rates. And, it doesn’t stop at just the cost to empty the dumpster. A waste broker may reveal better service conditions, make improvements in equipment that result in a reduction of your monthly charges, as well as manage any issues that come up with your service during the life of the contract.
What Can a Waste Broker Do?
- Renegotiate the waste removal contract terms and conditions between your organization and the waste hauler. Waste Tech Services has realized a savings 94% of the time.
- Invoice Monitoring: We have monitored thousands of invoices, closely analyzing every detail, uncovering inaccuracies in charges and sending overcharges (money) back to the client.
- Renegotiate Utility Expenses: We can negotiate new terms for not just waste, but your utility expenses, as well, and find credits going back 36 months.
- A Recycling Program: Implementing a program to divert items away from the landfill and into the recycling stream. That lessens the garbage load right there!
How Does This Benefit Your Nonprofit Organization?
- No out-of-pocket expense, we simply share a portion of the savings with you. In the end, you still come out reducing administrative expenses and saving money!
- A reduction in your administrative expenses puts your bottom line in a better position demonstrating a financially improved organization.
- Improve relationships with your donors, supporters, clients and staff. By taking the steps to improve the organization both environmentally and financially looks more favorable to those who support your organization leaving them more apt to stay involved.
- Grants and Donors: While we can’t advise on particular grant opportunities, we do know there are additional resources available out there that provide certifications and financial support based on taking sustainable measures to improve your business.
We have worked with many nonprofit organizations including churches, retreats, counseling and treatment centers, educational organizations, and more. We have saved an average of $600 to more than $6,000 a year for a nonprofit organization’s trash removal. So how can trash save you money? Just remember to reuse, recycle, and hire a waste broker!